Waldo Drops Single, "Here Before"

The new single from Waldo – Tufts' 2014 Battle of the Bands winner – is aptly titled "Here Before." It opens bursting with a guitar hook reminiscent of mid-2000s post-punk. However, behind the hook is an animated, surging rhythm section and a mix that tightly fills the space between the guitars and drums (which curiously features a haunting howl). Thus what distinguishes the track from its ancestors is that its vitality supplants its melancholy. The track's forward motion pulls you rapidly to the chorus, where Jake Mills and Connor Cunningham express unclear desire and déjà vu via a dangerously catchy tune.

Waldo seeks to bridge the gap between West and East Coast rock (think Best Coast vs. Editors). "Here Before" does exactly that.

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Photo credit: Bernita Ling


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